Maria Korpan’s Exercise Secrets: How She Stays in Shape

Maria Korpan, a top model admired for her fit and toned body, credits her shape to a dedicated and well-rounded exercise routine. Here are some of her exercise secrets that help her stay in peak physical condition.

Consistent Cardio: Maria incorporates cardio into her routine to keep her heart healthy and burn calories. She enjoys running, cycling, and even dancing. By mixing up her cardio exercises, she keeps her workouts enjoyable and effective.

Strength Training: Building and maintaining muscle is a priority for Maria. She includes weightlifting in her regimen, focusing on all major muscle groups. Squats, deadlifts, and bench presses are some of her go-to exercises. Strength training not only tones her body but also boosts her metabolism.

Yoga and Pilates: To enhance her flexibility and core strength, Maria practices yoga and Pilates regularly. These workouts help her improve posture, reduce stress, and build a strong, lean body. She finds that these exercises are a perfect complement to her more intense workout sessions.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Maria incorporates HIIT workouts to maximize fat burning and cardiovascular fitness. These sessions are short but intense, involving bursts of high-energy exercises followed by brief rest periods. HIIT helps her achieve more in less time, making her workouts efficient.


Maria Korpan’s exercise routine is varied and balanced, ensuring she targets all aspects of fitness. By combining cardio, strength training, flexibility exercises, and proper recovery, she maintains her incredible shape and stays ready for the demands of her modeling career. Her dedication to a well-rounded fitness plan is a testament to how consistency and variety can lead to exceptional results.

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